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The not-for-profit organization MUSIC SHARING is committed to serving the needs of children. It has been a pioneer in bringing both Western classical and traditional Japanese music into the lives of a wide range of young people throughout Japan, and in developing areas of Asia. The organization provides free activities in schools, hospitals, and other institutions and has reached 250,000 children in the 25 years since its inception. Many of those children would not otherwise have had the opportunity to learn about music or enjoy live musical performances.

MUSIC SHARING was established by the renowned violinist Midori in the belief that young people should have the opportunity to experience great musical artistry. To be introduced to the creativity, imagination, and inspiration of people who create music can often prove transformative. Exposure to great music lends young people an enhanced sense of aesthetics and culture, an appreciation of human creativity, and heightened awareness of their environment. Through its activities, MUSIC SHARING encourages children’s capacity for developing relationships, for transcending their own cultures through global connectivity, while spurring their active participation in music-making.

MUSIC SHARING began its existence in 1992 under the umbrella of the Midori Foundation, which continues to lead musical outreach programs in New York City in the name of Midori & Friends. In 2002 the Japanese government officially authorized the Japanese arm as a separate, independent, not-for-profit organization, and only then did MUSIC SHARING receive its complete independence as a fully autonomous organization, and its new name. Its current offerings consist of three divisions: the Visiting Program, the Instrumental Instruction for the Disabled Program, and the International Community Engagement Program (ICEP).

MUSIC SHARING operates solely on the basis of charitable contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporations.


Certified: September 2nd, 2002 (Tokyo)

President   Midori Goto
Vice President   Setsu Goto
Directors   Shigeaki Kuroki, Yukiko Saeki, Nobuko Suzuki, Nagato Natsume,
Tatsuya Hashimoto
Auditor   Noriko Oi
Room 601, 2-5-18 Koji-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0083 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-6256-9733
Fax: +81-3-6256-9734
E-mail: info(atmark)

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