
ICEP 2024 Bangladesh & 2025 Japan Application Form

Applicant Information / 応募者情報

■Name / 氏名 ・Family Name / 姓(ローマ字)
・First Name / 名(ローマ字)
・Middle Name / ミドルネーム
・Name in Chinese characters, if applicable / 漢字表記
■Country of Citizenship / 
■Instrument / 楽器 Viola / ヴィオラ Cello / チェロ
■Age as of Dec. 1, 2024 / 
■Current Address / 現住所
■Mobile, WhatsApp, LINE / 
携帯電話, WhatsApp, LINE
※i.e. mobile / +81-3-3333-3333
Please indicate your preferred method of contact during the selection period.
■E-mail / Eメール ※i.e. aaaa@bbb.com
Please provide your e-mail address at which you could be reached during the selection period.
■Language Level / 言語 ・English None Minimal Conversation Fluent Native
・Japanese None Minimal Conversation Fluent Native

Attachments / 添付書類

PDF files: 1) 2 letters of recommendation / 推薦状2通
2) proof of age / 年齢を証明できる書類
3) biography or CV / 略歴または演奏歴
4) letter of intent  / 応募動機
5) essay / エッセイ
■URL from which your files can be downloaded

Please upload all the documents combined in one folder.

Recordings / 録音課題

※Audio-visual recording should be made after January 1, 2023. Please upload to YouTube with the privacy setting “unlisted” or “public.” Do not set as “private.”
※Edited recordings are not accepted for the audition.
※No region code.
※At least one of the categories must be in a video format. Entire submission in a video format is strongly recommended.

Two contrasting movements from one of J.S. Bach’s unaccompanied works.
・Title / 曲名
・URL from which your file can be downloaded / 
・Title / 曲名
・URL from which your file can be downloaded / 
■String ensemble Two contrasting movements from a standard string trio, string quartet, string quintet, or string sextet; piano trio, piano quartet, or piano quintet. If applicable, the applicant must be playing the first, not second, part.
The first movement from one of the works listed below, played alone, without other parts, and no repeats; for violinists, please play only the first violin part:
・Mozart’s String Quartet in E-flat major, K.428
・Beethoven’s String Quartet in C minor, Op.18. No.4
弦楽アンサンブル 弦楽三重奏曲、弦楽四重奏曲、弦楽五重奏曲、及び弦楽六重奏またはピアノ三重奏、ピアノ四重奏、ピアノ五重奏の中で、同一曲の中から対照的な楽章を2つ。ただし、応募者は第1パートを演奏すること。
・モーツァルト 弦楽四重奏曲 変ホ長調 K.428
・ベートーヴェン 弦楽四重奏曲 ハ短調 Op.18, No.4
・Composer / 作曲者
・Title / 曲名
・Movement / 楽章
・URL from which your files can be downloaded / 
・Name of the performers and their instruments / 
演奏者 / パート
■Piece of your choice or its portion (not to exceed 10 minutes)
自由曲 ※10分以内
・Composer / 作曲者
・Title / 曲名
・URL from which your file can be downloaded / 
・Name of the performers and their instruments / 
演奏者 / パート

Rationale / 論拠

A short spoken statement of the rationale behind the piece of your choice.

■URL from which your file can be downloaded / 


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